Friday, June 4, 2021


In the bible, when God created the world, he put Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and instructed them not to eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden.

However, in Genesis Chapter 3, the devil came as a serpent and told Eve not to believe what God had said. It told Eve that God didn't want she and Adam to have His kind of wisdom. It told Eve that the fruit would make them like God. Eve believed and took a fruit and ate. She also gave to Adam, and he ate.

Immediately they ate the fruit, their 'eyes' were opened and God's initial plan for humanity changed forever. Sin and death had come in.

The devil deceived Eve and lured her to disobey God. This led God to curse man, woman and the serpent.

There are three lessons to be learnt from this story:

* God's initial plan for humanity which was that there would be no sin nor death has been altered by the disobedience of Eve and Adam. When God gives us an instruction, we should endeavor to obey it, because obedience is better than sacrifice. The real nature of humanity would have been sinless and innocent without this disobedience but something bad happened instead. However, God sent His son Jesus Christ to die for us and take away the sins of mankind. Jesus is the bridge from man to God. However, sin is still present because of Eve's disobedience.

* We should learn to be content with what God has given us. Although, it is always good to aim higher in life, yet we should not strive to overtake the Creator Himself. We should not strive to become master's like the Master Himself, who is God. Eve wanted to become like God Himself, she wanted to become wise like God, knowing good and evil. God made us in His image and likeness. We only have to walk with Him and not try to be as wise as God because, this can never be possible, we'll end up challenging God's instructions.

* The devil always has strategies to contradict the instructions and beautiful life that God has given to us. God made life simple but human beings made it complicated by allowing the devil to deceive us. Whenever God gives us something good, the devil comes to snatch it from us. He uses deceptive measures which sound genuine. We always have to follow the path of God and avoid the traps of Satan. Never think that what God has given to you will be free of the enemy's (Satan) attack. The more God is blessing you, the more there would be temptations and fights from the devil. Expect it and be on guard against Satan. 1 Peter 5:8 says that the adversary, Satan is going around like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour. We should be watchful and awake. Never let the devil take you away from the beautiful life that God has given you.