Tuesday, December 25, 2018


Today is a day when Christ was born. Christians celebrate the birth of Christ on this day. A feast is important on this day and family & friends come together to celebrate today as a tradition. Gifts are shared on this day. There are many ways to celebrate Christmas which include decoration of homes, exchange of gifts between family and friends. Food, shelter and charity projects are provided for the less privileged in the society by people who are celebrating Christmas. 

The early celebrations of Christmas are thought to have begun from Roman and other European festivals that marked the end of the harvest and the winter solstice. 

Matthew 1:21 states that Mary shall bring forth a son and shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.

John 3:16 states that for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have everlasting life.

It is simple to connect to God. Faith is essential. God is very patient and quiet. He works in our favor. It is necessary to attend church. This enlightens and connects us to other fellow spiritual partners. 

However, your spiritual path is yours alone. It is exciting to fellowship with God and have a personal relationship with Him. 

Today, I suggest that we ask God to be with us in our spiritual journey and ask the angels to guide us along the way.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Religion can be defined as the believe in and worship of a god or God with a controlling power. In James 1:27, we are told that true religion is to take care of the less privileged in the society, to help orphans and widows in their poor states and to preserve our lives from getting corrupted by the things of the world.

Action speaks louder than words. Instead of merely saying that we are Christians, we should practice it by showing love and care to the less privileged. Living a life which is spotless and free from sin. This is true religion. In James 1:26, we are told that a man who does not control his tongue but practice deceit in his own heart, practice a vain religion. 

In conclusion, we should be hearers and doers of the world, for God shall bless us.


Image result for helping the needy
The whole purpose of humanity is to serve God. There are different ways in which we can serve God, and this includes preaching the word of God to the whole world, healing the sick and afflicted by the word of God, giving to the less privileged ones in the society; the poor and needy, orphans and motherless ones.

God created us in His image and likeness, and this makes every human being to be God's creature and a resemblance of God. By helping people, we serve God.

Jesus said in Matthew 25: 34 - 46, that He would put on His right side, those that fed Him when he was hungry, gave Him something to drink when He was thirsty, sheltered Him when He was homeless, clothed Him when He was naked, took care of Him in prison and cared for Him when He was sick. They would ask Him when they did these and He would tell them that as they did for the least of their brothers and sisters, they did for Him. As for those that didn't help the less privileged, they would go to eternal punishment. In order to fully serve God, we should also love our neighbors as ourselves.