Hello beloved, do you feel like you have done terrible things and that God will not accept you anymore?
Do not feel that way anymore. Go to God, confess your sins to Him and sincerely repent in your heart and He will forgive you.
Although, there is a sin that leads unto death, there is also a sin that does not lead to death as 1 John 5:16-17 says. We should avoid the sins which lead to death like deliberate refusal to believe in Jesus Christ, who is the Messiah and Son of God, refusal to live in holiness of God nor follow His commands and refusal to love one another.
In Joel 2:12-13, God says that we should return to Him with broken hearts, with fasting, weeping and mourning. He also said in Isaiah 1:18 that we should come so as to reason together with Him. That even if our sins were as red as crimson, He will wash us to be as white as wool. He is a God of second chances.
In conclusion brethren, we should strive to return to God even in our sinful states and He will accept us. Remain blessed!